Exhibition took place at 28 Hatton Wall, London.
Thomas Jeppe with Jack Self & Bell Towers.
Amateur Monastic
Friday 3rd July, 7-9pm 2015
Three paintings (extending a series) concerning sensory negation, amplification, and superstructures (architectural and social);
two sculpted figures, reified Brazilian bootblack's toolbox doodle, life-size in silhouette behind frosted room dividers; a series of
old and new texts*, elucidating and elaborating a number of propositions about low-cost urban architecture, and the attendant
personal and interpersonal shifts in ideology and behaviour necessary for the realisation of these propositions.
Exhibition Soundtrack played at opening over in-ceiling sound system arranged and produced by Bell Towers.
Texts by Jack Self, developed for release on the occasion of this exhibition as Mimetic Club Bulletin #10 (special 18-page edition).
Mimetic Club Bulletin #10 with texts by Jack Self.